About Us

Roger A. Nutt is a local tax preparer at Affordable Tax Service located in Orlando, Florida. Roger can help you with your tax preparation, tax planning, accounting, bookkeeping, estate and trust taxes and so much more.

For one-on-one personal service, you can count on Affordable Tax Service to assist you and meet or exceed your expectations in the area of individual, non-resident, and business taxes. Whether you are an individual or a business anywhere in the U.S. or even worldwide, Affordable Tax Service can assist you with a variety of professional services. Roger A. Nutt has years of valuable business experience and is an IRS registered tax preparer. Contact Roger or his friendly staff with any questions you may have regarding our services.

Have you struggled with filing your own taxes online? Did it leave you frustrated? Are you tired of a computer asking you questions but it being unable to answer yours? Who has more questions – you or the computer? The problem is that those standard questions don’t apply to most people. If you want personal service and straight answers, contact Affordable Tax Service today!